Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The queen of the world- Post Modernism ? perhaps?
The queen of the world,hehe....
We still loving pop music because of her, although her pop is different with Micheal Jackson pop music...but we still loving her.
People will change, so do i. changing abit of the "taste" is just ok for everyone.
Gaga and micheal Jackson have a same similarity, they give us a image that we could never forget.they even can influence the whole society(world). Ignore the style of the music, their image is unique and creating individual style. This form alot of imitation, or parody...
For Mj, a tight coat with a cap. leaving the socks out is the "branding" of him. even thought a primary school kids could know who is this when he saw a guy doing a parody of MJ.
for the same things with lady gaga. the look that she brings out, the "bombastic-ness" the she wear is her trademark. In the news paper, we simply look thru it, without the headline we also could definate the lady that wear in a weirdy sexy cloth is Lady gaga...
err... this could be a example of post modernism? or a PostPostPost modernism....(too modern perhaps?)
for the Mj fans!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Many people are confused by the term postmodern. It has become a term that is bandied about in intelligent conversation, while many people use it loosely to mean almost anything new and innovative. This article looks at the meaning of this term
Postmodernism is related to the term "modernism". "Post" means to come after. In other words, postmodern thought is that which comes after or develops from modernistic thought. Firstly one has to understand modernism.
Modernism refers to a certain period of western cultural, artistic and sociological history. This period covers the later nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Modernism is a vague and general term that refers to a period of great change in the western world. This change refers mainly to an alteration in thinking and a development of different views of reality. There are a number of historical factors that are important in understanding of modernism. One of the main factors that precipitated this radical change in thinking was the First World War. This war was so devastating and, with the introduction of modern technology, tanks and planes, it changed the perception of Europeans towards their authorities and led them to question the powers that be and the "establishment". Something must be wrong, they thought, when almost an entire generation of young Englishmen was exterminated for no real purpose.
In postmodernism, artist could be just a ordinarily guy or girl, with no limitation, we could produce our own artwork,such as the one above.
In this case, some artmovemt had develop and been influence by it... graffiti is one of the art that come after it
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Realism-uncanny valley
What is the actual of the real?
Human is creating somethings that not really real to us, but expecting us to assume them is a real....Almostly, but not perfectly but with a realistic human appearance, is
Friday, July 22, 2011
Modern world...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Hot and cold
no perhaps.....its disgustin only....we feeling our skin rash is coming up...
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Two sides to everythings
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ok, in this post i will talk about this diagram above.
this is very very simple stuff as i will use Maxis as the example.
the infomation source is the maxis computer generated voice, it pass the transmiter,that is the antenna that giving out signal to user phone. the noise sourse that interrupt in is the environment magnectic field, that will causes alot of noise that distracting the signal.
Finally, the voice get in to the user phone. But what he recieved is the voice from maxis and some "gap"blank information that appear as "noise"
well....its clear enought.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
1st class